Supporters Page

Our valued supporters will receive an Email Update on all things HCH once a month in the cricket season. There will also be one email to HCH Supporters in the Autumn and one in the Spring. Click the link below for all previous HCH email news updates sent out. The launch of this new website in March 2024 was also marked with an e-Magazine emailed out to HCH Supporters. It  contains Dave Allen's article on Hampshire Historians and can also be found using the link below.

On this page we want to publish some reviews over the next couple of years of the best books ever written relating to Hampshire Cricket. These would be our recommendations for your own library at home.

This section will also be for our HCH Supporters to be able to engage more with us and share their own articles on Hampshire Cricket.You will be to discuss with us more about how to do this at our Book Sales during the season.

We will also provide details during the year of some of the new acquisitions and donations from our Supporters which all continue to enhance our unique and very valuable collection in the Archive Room.